Safety Guidelines For Dishwasher

Though Dishwasher are boon to modern hotels it should be operated with care and precautions. It should be only operated by person who have good knowledge about what to load and what not to load in it. 

All equipments used in hotel are not suitable for dishwashing. It may harm the equipment or possibly damaged it, if equipments are used without care and precautions. Some dishwasher Safety guidelines are :-

1. Cast Iron : Cast Iron skillets should be never load into dish washer as it will remove Non - stick coating and cause cast iron skillet to rust. Simply , rinse iron skillet with hot water using soft page. The detergents in dish washing machine are not friendly for cast iron. 

2. Knives : The knife blades may be worn out and become blunt. Moreover ,  it might also cut ourself if knife is loaded in dishwasher

3. Paper labels : paper labels should always be removed from dishes before loading it in dishwashing machine . 

4. Never put printed cups , Measurement bowl in dish washing machine or else, the detergents present in dishwasher will remove print in it. 

5. Loading glued or fevicol used plates should be avoided in dishwashing as the hot water and detergent will dissolved any adhesive.

6. Plastic utensils should be avoided in dishwasher because the hot water in dishwasher may dissolve plastic or can damage it's structure . The label should be checked if the plastic is dish washer friendly or not.

7. Wooden items should be never be loaded in dishwasher as it will damage the finish and may crack the wood.

8. Aluminium cookware if loaded in dish washer will cause scratches and stain on surface . So aluminium cookware should never be used in dishwasher

9. Gold colour flatware along with bronze, brass and copper pot should also be avoided or, else it may cause discoloration of items.

10. Non stick pans and pots should also be avoided loading in dishwashing as it can break non - stick coating

11. Hand painted ceramic are also not suitable for dishwashing as it will cause the paint to fade away or go alway.

For best result it is always important to check the label of pot and pans to ensure if they are dishwasher friendly or not. If they are not friendly,it should be avoided loading on dish washing machine. This things should always be kept in a mind if you are working in big establishments .

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